C++ Reserved Identifiers

SRC: http://web.archive.org/web/20031204190038/http://oakroadsystems.com/tech/cppredef.htm

identifier       context    header     subclause

_[any]         (see Groups)   
[any]__[any]   (see Groups)   
__cplusplus        all     (predef)     16.8/1
__DATE__           all     (predef)     16.8/1
__FILE__           all     (predef)     16.8/1
__LINE__           all     (predef)     16.8/1
__STDC__           all     (predef)     16.8/1
Note: According to the standard, whether __STDC__ is predefined, and to what value, is implementation-defined; but user code must not define it.
__TIME__           all     (predef)     16.8/1
_IOFBF             macro   cstdio       27.8.2
_IOLBF             macro   cstdio       27.8.2
_IONBF             macro   cstdio       27.8.2
 identifier       context    header     subclause

and                all     (alt rep)    2.11/2
and_eq             all     (alt rep)    2.11/2
asm                all     (keyword)    2.11/1
assert             macro   cassert      19.2/2
auto               all     (keyword)    2.11/1

bitand             all     (alt rep)    2.11/2
bitor              all     (alt rep)    2.11/2
bool               all     (keyword)    2.11/1
break              all     (keyword)    2.11/1
BUFSIZ             macro   cstdio       27.8.2

case               all     (keyword)    2.11/1
catch              all     (keyword)    2.11/1
char               all     (keyword)    2.11/1
CHAR_BIT           macro   climits      18.2.2/1
CHAR_MAX           macro   climits      18.2.2/1
CHAR_MIN           macro   climits      18.2.2/1
class              all     (keyword)    2.11/1
CLOCKS_PER_SEC     macro   ctime        18.7/1
compl              all     (alt rep)    2.11/2
const              all     (keyword)    2.11/1
const_cast         all     (keyword)    2.11/1
continue           all     (keyword)    2.11/1
 identifier       context    header     subclause

DBL_DIG            macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
DBL_EPSILON        macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
DBL_MANT_DIG       macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
DBL_MAX            macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
DBL_MAX_10_EXP     macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
DBL_MAX_EXP        macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
DBL_MIN            macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
DBL_MIN_10_EXP     macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
DBL_MIN_EXP        macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
default            all     (keyword)    2.11/1
defined            all     (predef)     16.8/3
delete             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
do                 all     (keyword)    2.11/1
double             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
dynamic_cast       all     (keyword)    2.11/1
 identifier       context    header     subclause

EDOM               macro   cerrno       19.2/1
else               all     (keyword)    2.11/1
enum               all     (keyword)    2.11/1
EOF                macro   cstdio       27.8.2
ERANGE             macro   cerrno       19.2/1
errno              macro   cerrno       19.2/1
EXIT_FAILURE       macro   cstdlib      18.3/1
EXIT_SUCCESS       macro   cstdlib      18.3/1
explicit           all     (keyword)    2.11/1
export             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
extern             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
 identifier       context    header     subclause

false              all     (keyword)    2.11/1
FILENAME_MAX       macro   cstdio       27.8.2
float              all     (keyword)    2.11/1
FLT_DIG            macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
FLT_EPSILON        macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
FLT_MANT_DIG       macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
FLT_MAX            macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
FLT_MAX_10_EXP     macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
FLT_MAX_EXP        macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
FLT_MIN            macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
FLT_MIN_10_EXP     macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
FLT_MIN_EXP        macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
FLT_RADIX          macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
FLT_ROUNDS         macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
FOPEN_MAX          macro   cstdio       27.8.2
for                all     (keyword)    2.11/1
friend             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
 identifier       context    header     subclause

goto               all     (keyword)    2.11/1

HUGE_VAL           macro   cmath        26.5/1

if                 all     (keyword)    2.11/1
inline             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
int                all     (keyword)    2.11/1
INT_MAX            macro   climits      18.2.2/1
INT_MIN            macro   climits      18.2.2/1
 identifier       context    header     subclause

L_tmpnam           macro   cstdio       27.8.2
LC_ALL             macro   clocale      22.3/1
LC_COLLATE         macro   clocale      22.3/1
LC_CTYPE           macro   clocale      22.3/1
LC_MONETARY        macro   clocale      22.3/1
LC_NUMERIC         macro   clocale      22.3/1
LC_TIME            macro   clocale      22.3/1
LDBL_DIG           macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
LDBL_EPSILON       macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
LDBL_MANT_DIG      macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
LDBL_MAX           macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
LDBL_MAX_10_EXP    macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
LDBL_MAX_EXP       macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
LDBL_MIN           macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
LDBL_MIN_10_EXP    macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
LDBL_MIN_EXP       macro   cfloat       18.2.2/3
long               all     (keyword)    2.11/1
LONG_MAX           macro   climits      18.2.2/1
LONG_MIN           macro   climits      18.2.2/1
 identifier       context    header     subclause

MB_CUR_MAX         macro   cstdlib      21.4/1
MB_LEN_MAX         macro   climits      18.2.2/1
mutable            all     (keyword)    2.11/1

namespace          all     (keyword)    2.11/1
new                all     (keyword)    2.11/1
not                all     (alt rep)    2.11/2
not_eq             all     (alt rep)    2.11/2
NULL               macro   clocale      22.3/1
NULL               macro   cstddef      18.1/2
NULL               macro   cstdio       27.8.2
NULL               macro   cstring      20.4.6/5
NULL               macro   cstring      21.4/1
NULL               macro   ctime        20.5/1
NULL               macro   cwchar       21.4/1

offsetof           macro   cstddef      18.1/2
operator           all     (keyword)    2.11/1
or                 all     (alt rep)    2.11/2
or_eq              all     (alt rep)    2.11/2
 identifier       context    header     subclause

private            all     (keyword)    2.11/1
protected          all     (keyword)    2.11/1
public             all     (keyword)    2.11/1

RAND_MAX           macro   cstdlib      26.5/1
register           all     (keyword)    2.11/1
reinterpret_cast   all     (keyword)    2.11/1
return             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
 identifier       context    header     subclause

SCHAR_MAX          macro   climits      18.2.2/1
SCHAR_MIN          macro   climits      18.2.2/1
SEEK_CUR           macro   cstdio       27.8.2
SEEK_END           macro   cstdio       27.8.2
SEEK_SET           macro   cstdio       27.8.2
setjmp             macro   csetjmp      18.7/1
short              all     (keyword)    2.11/1
SHRT_MAX           macro   climits      18.2.2/1
SHRT_MIN           macro   climits      18.2.2/1
SIG_DFL            macro   csignal      18.7/1
SIG_ERR            macro   csignal      18.7/1
SIG_IGN            macro   csignal      18.7/1
SIGABRT            macro   csignal      18.7/1
SIGFPE             macro   csignal      18.7/1
SIGILL             macro   csignal      18.7/1
SIGINT             macro   csignal      18.7/1
signed             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
SIGSEGV            macro   csignal      18.7/1
SIGTERM            macro   csignal      18.7/1
sizeof             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
static             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
static_cast        all     (keyword)    2.11/1
stderr             macro   cstdio       27.8.2
stdin              macro   cstdio       27.8.2
stdout             macro   cstdio       27.8.2
struct             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
switch             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
 identifier       context    header     subclause

template           all     (keyword)    2.11/1
this               all     (keyword)    2.11/1
throw              all     (keyword)    2.11/1
TMP_MAX            macro   cstdio       27.8.2
true               all     (keyword)    2.11/1
try                all     (keyword)    2.11/1
typedef            all     (keyword)    2.11/1
typeid             all     (keyword)    2.11/1
typename           all     (keyword)    2.11/1
 identifier       context    header     subclause

UCHAR_MAX          macro   climits      18.2.2/1
UINT_MAX           macro   climits      18.2.2/1
ULONG_MAX          macro   climits      18.2.2/1
union              all     (keyword)    2.11/1
unsigned           all     (keyword)    2.11/1
using              all     (keyword)    2.11/1
USHRT_MAX          macro   climits      18.2.2/1

va_arg             macro   cstdarg      18.7/1
va_end             macro   cstdarg      18.7/1
va_start           macro   cstdarg      18.7/1
virtual            all     (keyword)    2.11/1
void               all     (keyword)    2.11/1
volatile           all     (keyword)    2.11/1
 identifier       context    header     subclause

WCHAR_MAX          macro   cwchar       21.4/1
WCHAR_MIN          macro   cwchar       21.4/1
wchar_t            all     (keyword)    2.11/1
WEOF               macro   cwchar       21.4/1
WEOF               macro   cwctype      21.4/1
while              all     (keyword)    2.11/1

xor                all     (alt rep)    2.11/2
xor_eq             all     (alt rep)    2.11/2

Author: Shi Shougang

Created: 2015-03-05 Thu 23:21

Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
